The Ontological Investigation of Divine Attributes From Baghdad School to Hilla School
Divine Attributes, Ontological Investigation of Divine Attributes, Relationship between the Essence of God and His AttributesAbstract
The ontological investigation of divine attributes is a contentious issue among Muslim theologians. The Imamiyyah (Twelver Shia) and Muʿtazilah deny the multiplication of attributes apart from the Essence due to their belief in the unity of attributes (tawhid al-sifat). Most Muʿtazilites, however, adhere to the theory of delegation (niyaba) and view the divine Essence as substituting for the attributes in fulfilling the functions of attributes.
This view found acceptance among scholars of the Imamiyyah in the Baghdad school, supported by Shaykh al-Mufid, who rejected the doctrine of meanings (ma'na) among Ashʿarites and the theory of states (ahwal) among the Muʿtazilites al-Bahshamiyyah, considering both to be contrary to monotheism. In the early stages of the Hilla theological school, Imamiyyah scholars followed the later Muʿtazilite approach, criticizing the theory of states as well and opting for the theory of delegation. In the subsequent stages of the Hilla school, the only change that occurred was the acceptance of elements of philosophical methodology and some arguments of Ibn Sina in this domain.