The intellectual renewal of Al_ Hilla scholars

التجديدُ الفكريُّ عند علماء الحلة


  • Dr. Ibrahim Mezher Al-Mousawi


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Intellectual renewal، Ibn Idris ,Al_Muhaqqiq Al_Hilli، Allamah Al_Hilli


The research dealt with three Al_ Hilla scholars who had a profound impact on renewal and lack of stagnation in religious, mental and social issues. Sheikh Ibn Idris opened the door of diligence and broke the stalemate on issues of Sheikh Tusi, and made the way with difficulty from what was put before him by the opponents, and he dissented from the ordinary by presenting ideas and theories; Then came Al_Muhaqqiq Al_Hilli , who contributed to revising the curricula of jurisprudence, rearranging its chapters, and he relied on the process of deriving judgments from its detailed sources. Al_Muhaqqiq Al_Hilli was also distinguished as the first to be brilliant in the method of investigating jurisprudence , Al_Allamah Al_Hilli emerged at the beginning of his youth among the leading scholars and jurists, as the leadership of the Shiite Imamate came to an end in his era, and his classifications helped to decline danger of sectarian intolerance and contributed to the reporting of the doctrine of Ul_ Al-Bayt (PBUH).




كيفية الاقتباس

Dr. Ibrahim Mezher Al-Mousawi. (2022). The intellectual renewal of Al_ Hilla scholars: التجديدُ الفكريُّ عند علماء الحلة . Al-Muhaqqiq, 5(12), 45–76.


