Fighting aggressors In view of opinions of Al-Allamah Al-Hilli
قتالُ البُغَاةِ دراسةٌ فقهيةٌ في ضوءِ آراءِ العلَّامةِ الحليِّ
The research in this study deals with the topic of fighting the prostitutes in the view of the opinions of Al-Allamah Al-Hilli, who died in 726 AH.
In the introduction, I noted the importance of research, as a result of the existence of Muslim-affiliated groups which allegedly practiced jihad against Muslims.
In the preface, i.e. the meaning of the aggressors in the linguistic context, and in the terminology of the scholars.
In the first chapter, l referred to the conditions that must be met in order to achieve the description of the aggressors outside the Imam's obedience. Then I mentioned the three group of the aggressors: the 1st: those who renegaded the allegiance to the Imam, the 2nd: the oppressors who refused to pay homage to him, and the 3rd: the outsiders.
In the second chapter, I was subjected to the rule of the aggressors, and that they must go out to fight with the Imam, and that going out to their fight is enough, and that to aim, namely, to return to obedience to the Imam, and that their fight is after their debate and to nullify the suspicions, and it is not permissible to escape, and how to deal with them in terms of killing their causalities and following their mastermind and killing their prisoners if they have a group to return to, and it is not permissible if they do not have a group, and that it is not permissible to captivate their women and their offspring, and it is not permissible to spoil their money, which was not in the camp, but that exists in the camp, there are two sayings of Allamah: 1st: that it can be spoiled, 2nd: does not allow it