Sayyid Ali bin Tawoos's curriculum in his book The Epics and the Tribulation in the emergence of the expected absentee (God hurried his appearance)
منهجُ السَّيد عليِّ بن طاوس في كتابهِ الملاحم والفتن في ظهورِ الغائبِ المنتظر(عجل الله فرجه الشريف))
The research included two main chapters :
The first chapter : The method of Sayyid Ibn Taous in his book "The Epics and the Tribulations" and how he benefited from the sources that preceded him in this field and naming these sources and his support for the narration that he transmits and the comments in some of the narrations he mentioned، and he took it from all the companions without distinction، which indicates his
patience and his absence In closing the sources to which his faith belongs
As for the second chapter : It was in the signs of appearance، and the role of scholars (Shi'a Jurists ) in preventing and repelling sedition before emergence Awaited Imam (may Allah hasten his Reappearance ). The research represents examples of Shiite Jurists ’attitudes and indications in preventing sedition from falling among the Iraqi people، and invites followers of all sects to join and melt in a single crucible. Both chapters have been preceded by an introduction that includes the life of Sayyid Ali bin Tawoos، his noble offspring، their talents and writings. The search ended with the most important results.