Jurisprudence rooted in the circle of interpretation Reading in the heritage of AL-Hilla school of Explanatory

التَّأصِيلُ الفِقْهِيُّ فِي دَائِرَةِ التَّفْسِيرِ قِرَاءَةٌ فِي تُرَاثِ مَدْرَسَةِ الحِلَّةِ التفسيرية


  • Ass Prof Dr. Sukina Aziz AL-Fattli
  • Ass Prof Dr. Jabbar Kahdim AL-Mulla



الكلمات المفتاحية:

Etymology، Fiqh، Interpretation، School، Hilla


This research aims to reveal rooting jurisprudence in the circle of interpretation, not in the jurisprudence department in the heritage of Hilla jurisprudence school, indicating the type of rooting and specific resources in the works of interpretation ornaments diverse Bonamatha, taking into account the lead time for the emergence of each work both, according to the door, which is contained In it, and this is a virgin origin - according to our knowledge - that we have not preceded, so it is an innovation in the field of human studies
Research methods: a description based on tracking and extrapolation of what is considered rooted in (brief interpretations), on two levels: the first: literal abbreviations, and the second: critical abbreviations, and in (comprehensive interpretations: over the entire interpretation).
Etymology, Fiqh, Interpretation, School, Hilla.





كيفية الاقتباس

Ass Prof Dr. Sukina Aziz AL-Fattli, & Ass Prof Dr. Jabbar Kahdim AL-Mulla. (2022). Jurisprudence rooted in the circle of interpretation Reading in the heritage of AL-Hilla school of Explanatory: التَّأصِيلُ الفِقْهِيُّ فِي دَائِرَةِ التَّفْسِيرِ قِرَاءَةٌ فِي تُرَاثِ مَدْرَسَةِ الحِلَّةِ التفسيرية. Al-Muhaqqiq, 6(13), 21–70. https://doi.org/10.62745/muhaqqiq.v6i13.34


