The Pragmatic Approaches in the Poet Sayid Ja›far Al-Hilli›s Poem Entitled(The Face of Morning)

المقاربات التداولية في قصيدة (وده الصباح) للشاعر السيد جعفر الحلّي


  • Haider Athab Hussain



Our present paper attempts to study Sayid Ja›far Al-Hilli›s Poem
Entitled(The Face of Morning) pragmatically, i.e. , through applying the pragmatic approach on some parts(stanzas) of the poem. By the pragmatic approach we mean that approach which focuses on the linguistic structure itself and highlights its vitality in studying the poetic discourse.
The paper starts with a brief condensed theoretical introduction shedding light on the importance of language and the fast efforts of its linguists to analyze its components. Then we demonstrate the importance of pragmatics in uncovering the intentions of the speakers, and we also mention the most important definitions of pragmatics.
Afterwards, we inform the reader with our poet, Al-Hilli, and his poem (The Face of Morning), the topic of the paper. We also study the communicative context of the poem and its role in delivering meaning. Then we investigate the pragmatic ellipses of the poem(the previous proposition).
In fact in every linguistic communication, the participating interlocutors
embark from data and assumptions acknowledged and agreed upon by
them. These data and assumptions formulate the communicative background
leading to the success of the communicative process.
Finally, we indicate the speech acts in the poem and their ignificance in investigating the relationship between language and communication, paying attention to the dimension of use according to the discoursal and pragmatic contexts. The paper is concluded by the most important conclusions.




كيفية الاقتباس

Haider Athab Hussain. (2022). The Pragmatic Approaches in the Poet Sayid Ja›far Al-Hilli›s Poem Entitled(The Face of Morning): المقاربات التداولية في قصيدة (وده الصباح) للشاعر السيد جعفر الحلّي. Al-Muhaqqiq, 3(4), 189–218.


