The Significance of (ila) in the Verse of Ablution An Analytic Study in Ash-Sheikh Al-Qummi›s Style and Ibn Al-Ata›iqi›s Criticism
دََلالة (إَلى) فِي آَيةِ اْلوُضُوءِ قِرَاءَةٌ تَحْلِيلِيَّةٌ مَبْنَى الشَّيْخِ الْقُمِيّ وَنَقْدِ الشيخ ابْنِ الْعَتَائِقِيّ لَهُ
The present paper focuses on one question of Qur›anic jurisprudence(jurisprudential exegesis), namely, starting with cleaning the elbow when cleaning the hands in the ablution. I have used the term (jurisprudential exegesis) because the jurisprudence of this question has been based on a Qur›anic base. Hence, it has two dimensions: exegetic and jurisprudent. The first aim of this paper is to clarify (the criticism of jurisprudential exegesis). The limits of the study lie within the view of Ash-Shaikh Al-Qummi from the School of Qum and the view of Ash-Shaikh Ibnul-Ata›iqi Al-Hilli in his book Mukhtasar Tafseer Al-Qummi(Summary of Al-Qummi›s xegesis)from the School of Al-Hilla. The criticized view is