Authorization of Al-Hassan Ibn Al-Tarrah Al-Shaibani (D 720 H) by Muhammed Ibn Jafar Al- Hussain Anbari (c. 7 AH) Narrated by the book (Amali Al-Murtada)

تعليقاتٌ مختارةٌ للسيد هبة الدين الحسيني الشهرستاني (ت1386هـ) على كتاب (جوهر النضيد في شرح منطق التجريد) للعلَّامة الحلّيّ (ت 726هـ)


  • Collect and investigate: Dr. Sheikh Imad Al-Kazemi



Nasir al-Deen al-Tusi, Allamah al-Hilli, The Manuscript, quantum Al-_Allamah Al-Hilli


Sayid Hebah al-Deen al-Husayni al-Shahristani is one of the prominent figures whose library maintains manuscripts of his authorship or commentary, some of which have not yet been printed, including his comments on the book (Jawhar al-Nadid fi sharah mantiq al-tajrid) by Allamah Al-Hilli explaining the book (Altajrid fi eilm mantiq /Abstraction in the Science of Logic) by the philosopher Al-Khawaja Nasir al-Deen al-Tusi And his comments on the book are an indication of the importance of the book (Jawhar al-Nadid) and the need for students of knowledge to it, and this is what he referred to in his comments.
I have chosen some of the pages that included his comments as far as this research can understand, and they are many, and some of them were collected in separate pages that were attached to the book. The research was divided into two requirements, the first dealt with the importance of the book, and the other the comments of the book, after an introduction in which I explained the description of the approved copy, and the words of the master about the book and the science of logic and literature in it.




How to Cite

Collect and investigate: Dr. Sheikh Imad Al-Kazemi. (2022). Authorization of Al-Hassan Ibn Al-Tarrah Al-Shaibani (D 720 H) by Muhammed Ibn Jafar Al- Hussain Anbari (c. 7 AH) Narrated by the book (Amali Al-Murtada): تعليقاتٌ مختارةٌ للسيد هبة الدين الحسيني الشهرستاني (ت1386هـ) على كتاب (جوهر النضيد في شرح منطق التجريد) للعلَّامة الحلّيّ (ت 726هـ). Al-Muhaqqiq, 5(12), 257–284.