A message about color, the realization of what it is, and For Allama Halli (d.726 AH) an explanation of its rulings
رسالةٌ في اللَّونِ، وتحقيقِ مَاهيَّته، وبيانِ أَحكامِهِ للعلَّامةِ الحلّيّ (ت 726هـ)
This is a rare letter from the letters dealing with the truth of color and its rulings, composed by the scholar Al-Hilli (d. 726AH),
In it he was interested in researching the truth of color and its rulings among the speakers and wismen, and he made them in eight sections , and at end of each study he mentioned the problems of Khawajh Rashid al_Din Fadlallah al- Hamdani ( d. 718 AH) , on the ideas of speakers and sages
In achieving this message, we have relied on two manuscripts in Turkey, and we have made every effort to produce and present them.
How to Cite
Dr. Ibrahim Noei. (2022). A message about color, the realization of what it is, and For Allama Halli (d.726 AH) an explanation of its rulings: رسالةٌ في اللَّونِ، وتحقيقِ مَاهيَّته، وبيانِ أَحكامِهِ للعلَّامةِ الحلّيّ (ت 726هـ). Al-Muhaqqiq, 5(11), 263–290. https://doi.org/10.62745/muhaqqiq.v5i11.71