Juman Al'abhur By al sayyid Muhammed Rida Al-Kamali Al-Hilli Al-As. trabadi (T 1346 AH)
جمان الأبحر للسيِّد محمَّد رضا الكماليّ الحلّيّ الأستراباديّ (ت 1346 هـ)
Muhammad Rida Al-Kamali, Al-Hillah, Attributes of GodAbstract
Scholars Al Hawza of the religious used to compose texts, explanations,
and footnotes for doctrinal issues, so they put the regular and promulgated
lengths and abbreviations and scattered . The scholars of Al- Hawza Al-
Hilliya had a clear impact in enriching the scientific libraries that are concerned
with the statement of the principles of religion, and among these
scholars is al sayyid Muhammad Rida al-Kamali al-Astrabadi al-Hilli (d.
1346 AH), who organized a poetic text called (Juman Al'Abhar), which is
an arjuza in the origins of religion.
I proceeded to investigate this text, and to clarify what it contains of
doctrinal issues related to the origins of religion, and the research was
based on clarifying the attributes of God (Almighty and Majestic) contained
in the organized text, and clarifying the meanings referred to by the
author, using doctrinal rules that contribute to understanding the text in
the way that put in it.