News and narratives of hebat allah muhammad bin nama al -hilli on the authority of Prince Saif al-Dawlah Sadaqah bin Mansour al-Mazidi al-Asadi In the book (Al-Manaqib Al-Mazidiah fi Akhbar Al-Maluk Al-Asadiah)
أخبارُ ومرويات هبة الّله محمد بن نما الحلي المزيديِّ الأسديِّ ولة صدقة بنِ منصورٍ الدَّ عن الأميرِ سيفِ في كتابه (المناقب المزيدية في أخبار الملوك الأسديَّ)ة
Saif al-Dawlah Sadaqah, Al Mazeedi emirateaqah, Hebat Allah bin Namaah, and the Manaqib al-Mazidiah.Abstract
This research focuses on studying the narrations and news reported
by Abu Al-Baqa Hebat Allah bin Nama Al-Hilli in his book (Al-Manaqib
Al-Mazidiah) about Prince Saif Al-Dawlah Sadaqah bin Mansour Al-Mazydi
Al-Asadi, and it is divided into two sections:
In the first topic, we studied the biography of Abi Al-Baqa' in terms
of his upbringing, his position and his scientific status, and we were not
successful in determining the year and place of his birth, as well as the
authors' differences in determining the year of his death, with multiple different
narratives and points of view.
In the second topic, we studied his narrations and news about Saif
al-Dawlah Sadaqah ibn Mansur, most of which are related to his personality
and specifications, in addition to mentioning political and military situations
and events that his era witnessed during his rule and administration
of the Mazeedi Emirate, and its relationship with the Abbasid caliphate
and the Seljuk sultans.Abu Al-Baqa was inclined to praise the Prince of
Sadaqah to the extent of exaggeration in all the narrations contained in
his book.