Positivism Theory between Al-Allama Al-Hilli and Contemporary Linguistics A Comparative Study on the Origin of Language


  • Sheikh Osama al-Atabi




Al-Allama al-Hilli, Positivism Theory, Hawza Studies, Nihayat Al-Wusul Ilaa Eilm Al-Usul


The scholars of foundational studies had a significant impact on linguistic studies as they delved into the discussions of linguistic evidence. This was because linguistic evi-dence served as their tool for deducing legal judgments, and their interest in language aimed at achieving accurate deduction of legal rulings through a correct understanding of Quranic verses or noble prophetic traditions. Their semantic researches were more pro-found than that of linguists themselves. Al-Hilli (d. 726 AH) presented jurisprudential and foundational opinions considered among the most important in the ideological aspect. The choice of the topic was due to the high status and distinguished position held by this scholar. The goal was to extend his views from the scope of traditional Hawza studies to the academic linguistic studies, facilitating the exchange of ideas between the two institu-tions to present his contemporary intellectual thought. The research comprises three sec-tions that discuss the positivism theory and the reality positivism through al-Allama al-Hilli's book "Nihayat Al-Wusul Ilaa Eilm Al-Usul" It also includes a brief reading on the significance of this book and its significant impact on linguistic and foundational studies, comparing it with modern and contemporary linguistic studies.



How to Cite

الشيخ أسامة العتابي. (2023). Positivism Theory between Al-Allama Al-Hilli and Contemporary Linguistics A Comparative Study on the Origin of Language. Al-Muhaqqiq, 8(21), 305–358. https://doi.org/10.62745/muhaqqiq.v8i21.279