Syntactic Studies in Al-Hilla Factors of Emergence and the Mutual Influence between Al-Hilla Syntactic Scholars and the Syntactic Scholars in the other Islamic Cities
The syntactic scholars in Al-Hilla have proved to be superior and they have proficiently done well in studying language and its branches, but I have not found any one of these books searching in such fields despite the fact that much has been written by those scholars, and their attention of the linguistic and syntactic lesson, especially, by those who wrote in jurisprudents and in principles of Islamic law. Linguistics and syntax used to be taught in all the stages, and their studies adopted the syllabuses and
methods used by those Hawzas(seminary schools) in the Islamic world.
Those who worked in the field tried to pay attention to the factors of being affected and affecting. Those factors have been evident among the syntactic scholars in Al-Hilla as well as those who have worked in the other Islamic territories. In fact, Al-Hilla, after its being populated in the fifth century of Hegira, has frequently witnessed a widespread prosperity in the intellectual and mental fields. The City of Al-Hilla became a shining centre for thought and science, headed for by scientists and scholars from everywhere. The journey to obtain science to Al-Hilla and away from it, therefore, has been very active. The result was that many of its citizen
scholars travelled towards the other urban territories in the east and the west. This is what should be recorded and studied as a great achievement carried out by these people as they have been participating in this process actively, an achievement that should be counted to these scholars in the overall journey of the Islamic culture aiming at promulgating sciences in the Islamic world. What has been recorded in history is that the immigrant scholars of Al-Hilla to these territories have formed an important pillar in the scientific movement by their occupation of the first place in
the scientific sessions and literary assemblies and discussions, as it has been recorded to them in the intellectual life in Al-Mosil, Syria, Persia and other territories