The Qur›anic Effect on Religious Discourse in the Works of Radhiyuddeen Ali ibn Tawoos Al-Hilli (d. 664 A H)
الأثر القرآني في الخطاب الديني عند رضي الدين علي ابن طاوس الحلّي
The present paper attempts to elucidate the Qur›anic utilization
in religious discourse as adopted by Sayyid Radhiyuddeen Ali ibn Tawoos Al-Hilli(died 664 A H). This has been indicated in his
various plentiful supplications, wise aphorisms, commandments and
great ethical letters. This is evident in such texts, where the Qur›anic effect has been demonstrated in such notions as the Divine contents, heavenly laws, their faith constants: whether in literal(direct) texts, non-literal(indirect) texts, or Qur›anic implications and meanings infiltrated in these texts.
It has become clear to us in the light of his written records which
we have studied, that the research ought to include an introduction
entitled (The Glorious Qur›an, An Eternal Regenerated Text), ogether
with two chapters: Chapter One (The Status of the Qur›an in the Literary Works of Sayyid Radhiyuddeen Ali ibn Tawoos Al-Hilli); Chapter Two: (Patterns of Qur›anic Effect in the Discourse of Radhiyuddeen Ali ibn Tawoos Al-Hilli).