A Stylistic Overview on Al-Allama Al-Hilli›s (May Allah sanctify his secret) Will
دراسة أسلوبية في وصية العلّامة الحلّي (قدس سرّه)
Al-Allama Al-Hilli›s will contains an interesting style, linguistic values, a semantic dimension, syntactic values together with their dimensions. It also includes the interlaced relations in the unity of the text and its dimensions in the context or what is called (science of context).
Hence, research has taken notice of both levels: morphology and emantics, found in that will. This is due to their importance in stylistics. The will is full of muhassinat badee›iyah(the linguistic devices which rhetorically improve language), whose use is the habitude of Al-Allama Al-Hilli in his works. They strike your sight in every situation, or rather in every word, attracting you towards them, making you more associated with the material world and eaning, in this world and in the hereafter. This is due to what they possess of linguistic values, as well as their having various levels: honological, morphological, syntactic and semantic.The present paper focuses on the role played by the letters and their meanings, text unity, which contains the linguistic constructions including deep implications. Moreover, the use of reference or implication in the will is the most aesthetic conclusion the paper has come up with. It has also shed light on the grammatical styles: citation, deletion, exclamation, and real and metaphorical interrogation.