The Phenomena of Supporting the Quran Inferences by the Sayings of the Exegetists according to Al-Alama (Scholar) Al-Hilli (Died / 726 Hijri) in his Book (Muntaha Al-Talib)
ظاهرة تأييد الاستدلال القرآني بأقوال المفسرين عِنْدَ الْعَلَّامَةِ ا لْحلِِّيِّ(ت/ 726 هـ) في كِتَابِهِ (مُنْتَهَى ا طْملَْلَبِ)
The Quran inference according to Al-Alama (Scholar) Al-Hilli (Died / 726 Hijri) in his comparative fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) book (Outside the Sect) – Muntaha Al-Talib fi Tahqiq al-Mathhab (Utmost Demand in Achieving the Doctrine) who was very keen to support it with the sayings of exegetists which represents a phenomena. Based on that, I have chosen it to be the subject of the study in order to bring out this phenomena and understand its dimensions at Al-Alama Al-Hilli in his aforementioned book. I have called it (The Phenomena of Supporting the Quran Inferences by the Sayings of the Exegetist according to Al-Alama (Scholar) Al-Hilli (Died / 726 Hijri) in his Book (The Utmost Demand)).
It is worth mentioning that the center point of the research is (Quran Evidence), due to the fact that it is the center of the exegetists’ explanations, and he (Al-Alama Al-Hilli) looked over the other evidences used to be inferred to like the narrations, narrators consensus, mind, and Islamic practical rules of jurisprudence (Usual Al-Amalya).