Al-Hasan bin Rashid Al-Hilli's Poetry (died about 840 A H)
شِعرُ الحَسَن بن راشد الحِلِّيّ (توفي نحو 840 هـ)
Tajuddeen Al-Hassan bin Rashid Al-Hilli (died after 830 AH)
was born in Al-Hilla(his birth year is not known: there was
no mention of his year of birth in his biography). But because
his death was in about the year (840 A H), it became possible
that his birth was during the sixth decade of the eighth
century A H, as evidenced by his saying in one of his poems:
And I obtained before I became thirty a rank,
He who expects it after eighty is desperate.
He grew up in his city, moving along in its alleys during his
youth, and he learned reading and writing in its
kuttabs(lowest elementary Qur'anic schools) and learnt
the Qur'an by heart following the available custom in his time. When he grew up, he moved to a higher stage studying
in its schools and went deeply into his study. Among his
masters was Fakhrul-Muhaqqiqeen Al-Hilli(died 771 A H).
Then he moved to the Holy City of Najaf and studied under
Al-Miqdad As-Suyoori(died 726 A H), and became widely
known as a great jurist and a legist. Al-Hurrul-Amili said
about him,» … a virtuous, jurist, poet and literary man.»
Abdullah Afendi said about him that he was one of the
contemporary men of the jurist Ibn Fahd Al-Hilli (died 841 A H).
I say: In the sources there are more than one scholar holding
this name and surname. Among them the name Al-Hassan bin
Rashid Al-Makhzoomi emerged. Sayyid Muhsin Al-Amili
doubted that this was a name of another poet. Al-
Ya'qoobi(died 1385 A D) and Al-Khaqani(died 1399 A D)
affirmed this. Sheikh Hadi Kamaluddeen rejected what the
first said and affirmed that both of them refer to the same