Sheikh Salim ibn Badran Alias Ma'eenul Deen al-Mazini al-Hilly al-Masri Died before 657AH One of the Most Prominent Students of Mohammed ibn Adris al-Hilly His Life and Heritage
الشيخ سالم بن بدران/المعروف بمعين الدين المازني الحلي المصري (ت 657 هـ) وما بقي من آثاره
A scientific and intellectual renaissance happened in Hilla since it was officially stated a city by the Prince Saiful Dola Sadaqa ibn Mansour ibn Dabis ibn Ali ibn Mazeed al-Assadi (495AH.).
The assemblies of Hilla city contained jurists, hadith researchers, exegetes, wise people, and poets. Therefore, many scientists, from far and near cities, headed toward Hilla.
Many scholars became well-known in Hilla and among them is the biographee sheikh Ma'eenul Deen Abu al-Hassan Salim ibn Badran ibn Salim ibn Ali al-Mazini al-Masri. He was one of the students of sheikh ibn Adris al-Hilly (d. 598AH) and he is the reporter of Sayyid ibn Zahra al-Hilly (d. 585AH).