Ameer Jabar Kadhum Al-Mola, “The Phenomena of Supporting the Quran Inferences by the Sayings of the Exegetists according to Al-Alama (Scholar) Al-Hilli (Died / 726 Hijri) in his Book (Muntaha Al-Talib): ظاهرة تأييد الاستدلال القرآني بأقوال المفسرين عِنْدَ الْعَلَّامَةِ ا لْحلِِّيِّ(ت/ 726 هـ) في كِتَابِهِ (مُنْتَهَى ا طْملَْلَبِ)”, muhaqqiq, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 19–46, Jun. 2022.